The Family Circle Dissemination Event was held in Ireland as part of our Rural Hub Open day, which we held in our offices in Virginia on Friday, 22nd October 2021.
As part of this event, we hosted a series of round-table sessions, with a limited number of participants in each session. Due to COVID-19 public health guidelines in place at that time, we could only host 8-10 adults in our venue at one time. Therefore, we planned an event where we could host a series of learning sessions with families, adult learners, grandparents, and educators from our community, so that they could try and test the different education materials that we have produced as part of the Family Circle project. At this open day, we showcased different activities, and invited participants to access the full suite of Family Circle resources through the project website.
During this open day, a total of 24 parents, adult learners and educators were introduced to the Family Circle family learning model, including the CE workshops for parents, the WebQuests and the comics. At this open day, these 24 participants also registered their interest in completing additional training in the Family Circle family learning model, and so they were signed up to receive copies of the Family Circle learning resources, and information on our future training courses.